Author - AFM Rezaul Karim (Mizan)

9th Financial Support for Orphan Families

Project Title: Basic need, Education, Nutrition, Clean Water and Health Support (BENCH)Location: Nilphamari Sadar, Saidpur and Domar under Nilphamari District; Rangpur Sadar and Badargonj under Rangpur District; Dinajpur Sadar, Parbotipur and Chirir Bandar under Dinajpur District,Period: Continued from 2020Funded by: OBAT CanadaThis project will address 33,594 distressed and marginal people living in 8...


8th Eye Camp Accomplished in Nilphamari

Project Title: Basic need, Education, Nutrition, Clean Water and Health Support (BENCH)Location: Nilphamari Sadar, Saidpur and Domar under Nilphamari District; Rangpur Sadar and Badargonj under Rangpur District; Dinajpur Sadar, Parbotipur and Chirir Bandar under Dinajpur District,Donor: OBAT CanadaPrantic Unnayan Society (PRANTIC), Bangladesh has been conducting Eye Camps since 2021 to address the above...


Staff Orientation of Grade Change Management

Project Title: Support to FDMN in Cox’s Bazar in Education and WASH Sector, Phase- 4Project Objective: Established Community-Based Learning Facilities (CBLFs) in line with the ECCD and Myanmar Curriculum.Name of Donor: (1) Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development(DFATD), GAC, Canada and (2) The Commonwealth of Australia represented by the...


PRANTIC Organized Gender Policy Orientation among Senior Staff

Project Title: Support to FDMN in Cox’s Bazar in Education and WASH Sector, Phase- 4Project Objective: Established Community-Based Learning Facilities (CBLFs) in line with the ECCD and Myanmar Curriculum.Name of Donor: (1) Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development(DFATD), GAC, Canada and (2) The Commonwealth of Australia represented by the...


1st Quarter Parents Meeting Organized

Location: Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarDonor: Maiya School, AustraliaProject Title: Continue Adolescent Learning Center in FDMN Community and Livelihood Support in Host CommunityProject Period: July 2023 to June 2024Rohingya parents do not allow their girls at the age of above 12 years to go to learning centers in Rohingya Camps. As...


Monthly Refresher Course Organized

Project Title: Support to FDMN in Cox’s Bazar in Education and WASH Sector, Phase- 4Project Objective: Established Community-Based Learning Facilities (CBLFs) in line with the ECCD and Myanmar Curriculum.Name of Donor: (1) Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development(DFATD), GAC, Canada and (2) The Commonwealth of Australia represented by the...


National Sanitation Month and Global Hand Washing Day 2024 Celebrated

PRANTIC celebrted National Sanitation Month and Global Hand Washing Day 2024 at Ukhiya Upazila Complex Premise as an associate with Upazila Administration and other local and National NGOs working in Cox's Bazar. Horable Upazila Nirbahi Officer was present to inaugarate the event yesterday 23 October 2024. Students from Girls...


৫৩ রোগী চক্ষু শিবরের চিকিৎসা গ্রহণ করেছে

১৯ শে অক্টোবর ২০২৪ ইং, রোজ শনিবার । প্রান্তিক উন্নয়ন সোসাইটি (প্রান্তিক) এর পরিচালনায় দিনাজপুর জেলার পার্বতীপুর উপজেলার ২নং মনমথপুর ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ প্রাঙ্গণে বিনামূল্যে চক্ষু শিবিরের আয়োজন করা হয়। যেখানে ৫৩ জন চক্ষু রোগী অংশগ্রহণ করেন। পুরুষ ২৩ নারী ৩০। যার মধ্যে ২০ জন ছানি ( পুরুষ ৯ নারী ১১)...