Bhasan Char

From Saline Soil to Abundance: The Untold Struggles of Bhasan Char Farmers

Through innovative soil treatment initiatives led by NGOs and Rohingya farmers, the once saline soil of Bhasan Char has been transformed into fertile land, now yielding an impressive variety of fresh vegetables. Despite this success, local farmers face a significant challenge—they struggle to secure fair prices for their produce. With only...


PRANTIC School in Bhasan Char

Prantic Unnayan Society (PRANTIC), Bangladesh has been conducting a school in Bhasan Char since 2021. This school is now comprising a total of 228 students (age 4-12 Years) with 51% girls in three different Classes namely Kg, Grade-1 and Grade-2. OBAT Helpers, USA continuously provided funding support to this school...


PRANTIC’s Outstanding Success in Bhasanchar

Prantic Unnayan Society (PRANTIC) has planted a total of 70 graft saplings of Jujubi (in Bangla it is called Boroi/Kool) in Bhasan Char in 2022. These grafts were collected from Jhenaidah. 40 saplings are survived. They all are now in fruiting stage. Out of these, 20 there were 10 Thai...


Quick Compost: A Best Solution for Bhasan Char

Project: Smart Agriculture Location: GP-3, Bhasanchar Hatiya, Noakhali Quick compost, so far, considered as the best solution of salinity reduction in Bhasan Char. It not only reduce salinity but also acts as a best solution of nutrient supply for vegetable and fruit production. PRANTIC used saw-mill-dust, cow-dang and oilcakes to produce quick...