Capacity Building of Women Members on Local Vegetable Production
Today 27 April 2024, PRANTIC organzed a day long capacity building training for 20 women farmers of two women co-peratives living in Rajapalong and Shikder Bill village under Rajapalong union, Ukhiya Cox’s bazar. After the training, high yielding varieties of 7 vegetables such as Bitter gourd (Korola), Sweet gourd (Misty Kumra), Bottle gourd (Lau), Rib Gourd (Jhinge), Red spinach (Lal-shak), Cucumber (Shosha) and Ladies Finger (Dherosh) were distributed among the farmers. Vegetable varieties were seleceted by the association members through a Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) last year. Ranking scoring method was applied during the selection of most economic variety of seeds during RRA. Farmers used different seeds during ranking. PRANTIC has an objextive to develop at least two vegetble sellers as entrepreneurs from two Associations to seel the productions of the women members. PRANTIC is expressing gratitudes to Maiya School Australia for this innovative suppotrt. Maiya School has been funding this livelihood project since July 2023.