Tag - Health

8th Eye Camp Accomplished in Nilphamari

Project Title: Basic need, Education, Nutrition, Clean Water and Health Support (BENCH)Location: Nilphamari Sadar, Saidpur and Domar under Nilphamari District; Rangpur Sadar and Badargonj under Rangpur District; Dinajpur Sadar, Parbotipur and Chirir Bandar under Dinajpur District,Donor: OBAT CanadaPrantic Unnayan Society (PRANTIC), Bangladesh has been conducting Eye Camps since 2021 to address the above...


৫৩ রোগী চক্ষু শিবরের চিকিৎসা গ্রহণ করেছে

১৯ শে অক্টোবর ২০২৪ ইং, রোজ শনিবার । প্রান্তিক উন্নয়ন সোসাইটি (প্রান্তিক) এর পরিচালনায় দিনাজপুর জেলার পার্বতীপুর উপজেলার ২নং মনমথপুর ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ প্রাঙ্গণে বিনামূল্যে চক্ষু শিবিরের আয়োজন করা হয়। যেখানে ৫৩ জন চক্ষু রোগী অংশগ্রহণ করেন। পুরুষ ২৩ নারী ৩০। যার মধ্যে ২০ জন ছানি ( পুরুষ ৯ নারী ১১)...


27th Health Camp Accomplished

Project Title: Continue Health, Education, Livelihood ProjectLocation Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarFunded by: OBAT CanadaProject Period: Since 2018The project aims to provide free prescriptions and medicines to 12,000 FDMN patients through continuing medical clinic in Camp-4, 1,200 patients through conducting health Camp in host community, enroll 400 FDMN children through 5...


26th Health Camp for Host Community

Project Title: Continue Health, Education, Livelihood ProjectLocation Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarFunded by: OBAT CanadaProject Period: Since 2018The project aims to provide free prescriptions and medicines to 12,000 FDMN patients through continuing medical clinic in Camp-4, 1,200 patients through conducting health Camp in host community, enroll 400 FDMN children through 5...


25th Health Camp for Host Community

Project Title: Continue Health, Education, Livelihood ProjectLocation Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarFunded by: OBAT CanadaProject Period: Since 2018The project aims to provide free prescriptions and medicines to 12,000 FDMN patients through continuing medical clinic in Camp-4, 1,200 patients through conducting health Camp in host community, enroll 400 FDMN children through 5...


24th Medical Camp Accomplished in Host Community

Project Title: Continue Health, Education, Livelihood ProjectLocation Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarFunded by: OBAT CanadaProject Period: Since 2018The project aims to provide free prescriptions and medicines to 12,000 FDMN patients through continuing medical clinic in Camp-4, 1,200 patients through conducting health Camp in host community, enroll 400 FDMN children through 5...


23rd Health Camp Organized in Host Community

Project Title: Continue Health, Education, Livelihood ProjectLocation Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarFunded by: OBAT CanadaProject Period: Since 2018The project aims to provide free prescriptions and medicines to 12,000 FDMN patients through continuing medical clinic in Camp-4, 1,200 patients through conducting health Camp in host community, enroll 400 FDMN children through 5...


Maternity Services in Ukhiya

Name of Project: Continue Health, Education and Livelihood Project (HELP) in FDMN and Host Community (11th Phase) in Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarName of Donor: OBAT CanadaProject Period: Since 2018.Location: Camp-4, Ukhiya, Cox’s BazarPRANTIC so far addressed a total of 21,987 patients, with 3,518 adolescents (aged 10-19 years) and 18,469 adults (aged 20...