PRANTIC School in Bhasan Char
Prantic Unnayan Society (PRANTIC), Bangladesh has been conducting a school in Bhasan Char since 2021. This school is now comprising a total of 228 students (age 4-12 Years) with 51% girls in three different Classes namely Kg, Grade-1 and Grade-2. OBAT Helpers, USA continuously provided funding support to this school till December 2023. This school resumed its activities with the funding support from a new donor namely Susuaville, Inc. USA since Janury 2024 and committed to continue this funding support till December 2024.
Unicef provided all education materials through BRAC to all learners. Quatar Charity, an international NGO delivered school dresses to all children day before yesterday.
We are expressing our gratitude to BRAC and Quatar Charity for their educational and dress support . We are also expressing our gratitude to Susuaville, USA for the funding supports.