Eid Gifts in Advance to Learners in Host and Rohingya Community
PRANTIC distributed Eid Gifts to learners in advanve among the learners in host and Rohingya Community. On 26 February and 27 february 2025 PRANTIC distributed Eid Gifts to 130 learners in Host (50) and Rohingya (80) communities. Host community children are studying pre-primary school syllebus at the age of 3-5 years. PRANTIC motivated dropped out FDMN adolescents girls at the ages of 7-17 years are following education sector sdolescent curriculum. Dr. Obaidur Rahman, Country Director, Human Relief Foundation (HRF) was present during these distributions. PRANTIC is ecpressing heartiest gratitude to HRF for the funding support to distribute gifts of Eid-Ul-Fitre in advance among these 180 learners. We wish all the best.