Teachers Completed TPD Training
All Bangladeshi 17 Teachers completed two times 4 days TPD training in a 2 week interval in PRANTIC Regional Office, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. BRAC Trainers were conducting the training during these days. Mr. Amiya Kumar Chowdhury
Curriculum Specialist and Dr Shahidul Islam from BRAC Institute of Educational Development (IED) joing the session on the 4th day. PRANTIC high officials were also present in the closing ceremony. PRANTIC is expressing gratitude to BRAC for this valuable support. We hope that PRANTIC teachers will apply their knowledge and skill to implement the “Support to FDMN in Cox’s Bazar in Education and WASH Sector” Project successfully. The project is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development(DFATD), GAC, Canada and The Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT} under the management of BRAC.